Skin Guide

Exceptional skincare should never be a secret. Here, you can find the latest advice on the skin you’re living in.

It's true: you are what you eat!

You are what you eat, and my disloyal, imperfect skin is proof! Yours too.

Do you want to start the New Year with an even skin tone?

Of the many challenges that your skin faces, uneven skin tone may be one of them. Uneven skin tone happens because of hyper-pigmentation.

What is the skin disease without a cure?

f you have anything but normal skin that is perfect in all its ways, you need a plan. Why? Because a pimple or cyst is always waiting to attack you!

It's time to debunk the myths about drinking water

To be clear, water hydrates. That means, when we drink more water, our skin is more hydrated.

What are the 5 most popular skincare questions?

And the simple answers that your skincare routine needs I can talk about skincare every day. Heck, I can even write a book! The thing about skincare is that it is ever-evolving. We may not use your mom’s skincare tips and tricks, although they may work still. Each time you blink, a new skincare brand and trend emerges. When that happens, we scramble to Kim Kardashian’s Instagram stories to find...

Why it's important to know your skin type

Your skin matters. It is your body’s first line of defense against the junk and gook of this world. That junk and gook is also known as free radicals.

Make the best of your oily skincare routine this winter

Knowing your skin type helps to guide your skincare routine. For example, if you have oily skin, there is no reason why you should use oil-based skincare products.

When was the last time you bought yourself a gift?

Since you are in the spirit of giving this year, how about you think about something nice for yourself? You deserve it.

The not-so-secrets to clear, glowing skin

Every morning that I wake up without clear, glowing skin, I remind myself that there I still need to work! That is why I commit myself to a consistent skincare routine. What about you?

What prevents aging and ages you at the same time?

A big reason that some of us obsess about skincare is that we want to look good. For many people, to look their best means to appear youthful.

How to end the year on a glowing note!

Remember, exfoliated skin is glowing skin. And, well, glowing skin is always in!