Don't let a fold in your skin cause you to fold up on a proper skincare routine

Is it just me, or did Summer fly by faster than JLo moved on from A. Rod? August starts tomorrow, and if you missed this post about the perfect summer skincare routine; or this one about why you need to lather on a broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen, then your skin might be struggling.  

Now, don’t get me wrong - we need the sun. The vitamin D passed on from this glorious ball of energy is nothing short of miraculous. Vitamin D enables skin cell growth and repair. It also improves your skin’s immune system, destroying free radicals that lead to premature aging. Yet, dermatologists recommend that you do not take in more than 30-minutes of direct sunlight if you have a darker complexion; and 15-minutes if your skin tone is fairer. Why is that? Well, your risk of getting skin cancer increases with sun overexposure. And premature aging. I know what you are thinking - you just said that vitamin D [from the sun] destroys free radicals that lead to premature aging. Yes, it does. But you know what they say - too much of anything can be bad for you. That leads me to today’s topic: 

What causes wrinkles

According to Mayo Clinic, wrinkles happen as the middle layer of your skin - the dermis - begins to thin. This layer includes collagen, elastin, and other fibers and proteins that support the skin’s elasticity. Once these begin to loosen, indentations and depressions appear on the surface of your skin. Wrinkles. 

To be clear, it is natural to age. Getting older is a sign of a long life - literally. I hope that I will be blessed to see myself as a 90+-year-old fabulous woman. Wrinkles and all. Many factors impact how your skin appears to age. They include: 

  • Age
  • Diet
  • Environment
  • Facial expressions 
  • Genetics
  • Habits 
  • Stress

We wrote an article a while back about how you may be speeding up your aging process without knowing it. Read it if you want to further your knowledge on how to prevent premature aging. Keep reading for more practical advice that you can either order from us or implement as part of your daily skincare routine. 

How to prevent wrinkles

1. Wear a broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen

With at least an SPF of 30. The higher the SPF (sun protection factor), the better. Apply sunscreen over your entire body and reapply as often as needed. If you don’t like the feel of solid sunscreen, opt for a sunscreen spray instead. We referenced one here. Wear sunscreen even if you do not plan to go outside. Apply sunscreen if you will sit in front of a computer screen all day. Use skin care products and other cosmetics that include sunscreen. Live sunscreen. Love sunscreen. Next question?

2. Lay off the teenage and early adulthood bad habits

You have one life to live and one body to take you through the entire thing. Regard it well. In our teens and early 20s, life is all about risks and adventure. Sure, these things matter as we get older, but caution can be a crutch. With that said, maybe do not binge drink every day or weekend? Try to quit smoking if you can. No, I am not only referring to cigarettes - I mean anything that you can smoke! Go to bed on time. If you are not sleeping at least seven hours each night, you are doing your skin an injustice that will show up in the form of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Treat yourself better than you treat everyone else. Your skin will thank you for it.

3. Establish a consistent skincare routine

If your concern is wrinkling, then use skincare products that include active ingredients that target these issues. That is the skinimalist way. Here are a few skincare ingredients that help to slow down or prevent premature aging: 

  • Vitamin A: any woman in her 30s knows that vitamin A is still the elixir of skincare. Retinol is the most popular form of vitamin A. This powerful ingredient speeds up cell turnover to reveal newer, baby soft skin. It smooths fine lines and wrinkles over time, and it clears dark spots and other superficial blemishes that you may have. 
  • Vitamin C: though this active ingredient is best as a skin brightener, it is also a great anti-aging skincare ingredient. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that fights free radicals which destroy skin cells. The more damage done to your skin cells, the faster your skin will appear to age. That is why vitamin C should be part of your anti-aging skincare routine. 
  • Vitamin D: as we mentioned earlier, this super vitamin promotes skin cell growth and repair. Like vitamin C, it defends your skin against the free radicals that destroy your skin cells. Implementing vitamin D supplements with a skincare routine that includes vitamins A and C can only benefit your skin more than harm it. So go for skin gold! 

4. Try to keep up with facials and opt for the occasional medium chemical peel

If you cannot afford weekly or monthly facials, I understand. Inflation is ghetto as hell, isn’t it?! At-home facials are still a thing, even in a post-pandemic world. If you don’t think you have what it takes to give yourself a proper facial, here are the bare essentials of one: 

  • Steam your face for at least 10 minutes: boil a pot of water, switch it off to cool for a minute after it boils, then put your face over the pot with a towel covering your head. 
  • Cleanse your skin: now that your pores are open, this is the best time to cleanse your skin with a cleanser of your choice. For a bonus, mix an exfoliant with your cleanser, then let the mix sit on your face for about five minutes. You can use this time to steam your face again, but that is not necessary. 
  • Apply a toner or astringent to a clean face: after you rinse your face, apply a toner or astringent across your face with a cotton ball or pad. That will remove any excess debris or impurities left behind after cleansing. 
  • Use a face mask: this is everyone’s favorite part of a facial! If you are not doing this facial before bed, then you will not be able to use an overnight or sleeping mask. Instead, use a clay or sheet mask of your choice and leave them on for the recommended amount of time. Rinse, then apply your favorite serums and moisturizer. 

For people with more severe skin issues, sometimes you need to call in the cavalry. In this case, I am talking about a chemical peel. When you go for a medium or deep chemical peel, you must have it done by a medical esthetician or dermatologist. These peels penetrate your skin to the dermis and hyper-exfoliate your skin over a 3-7 day period. The results of the chemical peel vary depending on active ingredients, the condition of your skin, and how many passes (layers) were applied. Not to be controversial, but the more passes,  the better! I am not an expert, so please do not quote me. A chemical peel reveals smooth, new skin that is either free of wrinkles or has wrinkles that are so subtle, you cannot see them. 

Overall, remember these things: aging is natural, so embrace it. You cannot stop aging, but you can prevent the premature appearance of it. Like many things in life, aging - including wrinkles - is beyond your control. Masktini’s Night Ranger Overnight Renewal Mask is still an excellent anti-aging sleeping mask that you need to add to your nighttime skincare routine. And when all else fails, get into the RBF (resting b*tch face) because animated facial expressions and excessive smiling will age you! Until next time.