4 benefits of watermelon in your skincare routine

I hate watermelon. Surprise! It’s something about the texture that puts me off from eating it every time. The juices from this summer fruit are refreshing, yes, but they also leave an aftertaste that makes me want to wash it down with something acidic. Okay, maybe I just prefer acidic fruits… but that’s neither here nor there. The other day, I browsed Kris Jenner’s Internet for more… you guessed it, skincare tips, and discovered that the Koreans have been doing skincare with watermelon for many generations. 

Now, when K-Beauty talks, I listen. And so should you. I dug a bit deeper to learn more about the essential properties of this fruit that make it good for your skin. Not only was I shocked, but I left my research experience feeling a bit silly for thinking watermelon could only be good for cobb salads and Jolly Rancher candy flavors. 

If you’re curious or skeptical about its benefits, read further to see if you need to head to your local farmer’s market and get a hold of this magical summer fruit! 

1. No waste

Each part of the watermelon can be used within your skincare routine. From the rind to its flesh and seeds, the watermelon is useful in every way. In a world where we discard banana peels (seriously, I hope you guys don’t eat banana peels), it’s good to know that we don’t have to waste any part of the watermelon.


The watermelon rind has anti-inflammatory properties. If you are prone to redness or inflammation of any sort, the rind has a cooling, calming effect that soothes your skin and promotes rapid cell turnover at the same time. That’s what you call a win/win! 

Like its rind, watermelon seeds are an anti-inflammatory that boosts collagen. Apart from that, the seeds contain protein (which is always good for your skin and hair), fatty acids, linoleic acid, and a wide range of ceramides. 

As for the flesh, well that part deserves a section of its own… so keep reading! 

2. Watermelon has all the vitamins that your skin needs

When Beyonce said “I been drankin’ watermelon” she inadvertently gave us an underrated skincare tip that we slept on… until now. I swear, her mind… I stan! If you still haven’t taken your parents’ advice to eat your fruits and veggies, maybe you will listen to a stranger on the Internet who could very well be a bot. Eat your watermelon! During hot summer months, that 92% water and 6% percent sugar will keep you hydrated with an optimal blood sugar level. With each bite of watermelon, you feed your body vitamins A, C, and E - all the vitamins your skin needs when recovering from harmful UV rays and windburn. 

Woman drinks watermelon juice for good skin

For girls like me who suffer from hyper-pigmentation, the vitamin E in watermelon lightens dark spots which are all we ever really want as darker-skinned hotties anyway. 

Did I mention that watermelon has anti-aging properties? Those vitamins I mentioned help to slow down the absorption of free radicals into your skin which results in a halted aging process.

3. The new skin toner on the block

It turns out that the juices from watermelon make for a great skin toner! And don’t we just love a good toner?! I like to mix natural skincare ingredients with naturally-derived products for the sake of balance. That said, I think it will be worth trying watermelon as a face toner alongside Masktini’s Woke Bae Whenever Moisture Spritz. Remember: if you try it out, give it at least a month before you draw conclusions! 

Masktini's Woke Bae Whenever Moisture Spritz

4. Make a DIY watermelon face mask

The next time you purchase avocado to make an at-home face mask, don’t forget to add watermelon! We all know that avocado is a superfood and the elixir of natural skincare ingredients, but that’s topic for another day. Adding watermelon to your face mask will add an extra layer of hydration that good skin always needs. 

Hopefully, these four tips are enough to help you consider adding this summer fruit to your skincare routine. If you're more curious about natural skincare ingredients that could be useful for your skincare routine, we talk more about the ingredients in Masktini's products here. As for me? During #quarantineandchill, I’m excited to try this out and will be sure to share the results with you when I do! Leave a comment below and let me know if you have been ahead of the curve with using watermelon as a natural skincare product.